Essential Summer Healthcare Tips

The specialty of summer is Hot Weather round the clock. Summer is a season of maturity as well as deadly heatwaves. When we think about summer it is always summer holidays, soaking in cold water, watery fruits, and the annoying burning sun overhead. In this happening period, healthcare is a must duty of ours because the climate change of these years has been deadly in many countries and the affected rate is rising.
This summer onwards, let’s put a tick on the healthcare measures mentioned below.


Sun Exposure Safety Tips

Staying indoors is the best choice in summer but, the workaholic life or the summer enjoyment does not let us be under shade all the time. But, we can’t it feels like going into an oven. So, there are some things we must take care of before stepping out or after stepping into the sunlight.

  • • Skin Care : It starts with applying sunscreen on the body. Use a good sunscreen with a good number of SPF that suits your skin as well. Do not leave the parts that are likely to be exposed to the sun. That means, even your neck and ears got to be applied with sunscreen. Secondly, to avoid sudden temperature changes on the skin, leave before it’s too hot and take time to cool down after coming from outside. Avoid heavy makeup and sensitive medicines.

  • • Clothing and Accessories: To protect your eyes, cover them with dark sunglasses. Wear a complete head covering hat which gives shade to the neck too. In summer, light-colored natural fabric clothes are the best to absorb less heat.

  • • Not a Long Exposure: Even if you have to go out, try to get shade and get cool every 15 to 30 minutes. The finest choice will be to avoid the sun between 10 am to 3 pm. If it’s not possible then seeking a covered place can work.

  • • Carry These Every Time: As always, there are some must-haves when we go to the sun i.e. an umbrella and a water bottle for hydration.


Take Care of the Health Risks

In this season, some diseases can be deadly for some people. Summer brings skin rashes, sunburn, measles, jaundice, and even heat stroke. So, protect yourself from these diseases.

  • • Skin Rashes: Sweat in the summer causes skin rashes on children and adults. It’s often itchy. Cleaning yourself up regularly and changing sweaty clothes will prevent rashes.

  • • Sun Burn: It happens due to harsh sun rays’ direct contact with the skin. Red patches and dizziness are the symptoms. As mentioned before, sunscreen is a must to prevent sunburn.

  • • Jaundice: It causes due to consumption of contaminated food or water. If not treated well, it can affect the working of the liver and then other organs too.
  • • Heat Stroke: Excessive heat or intolerance to the sun causes heat stroke. It may feel like a heart stroke or the symptoms like increasing body temperature, shortness of breath, etc. So, avoiding sun contact overhead can prevent that.

Sufficient Hydration and Nutrition

Food and drinks play a vital role to keep us healthy and fit in this heating season. Even nature has the most useful watery fruits and vegetables according to our requirements. So, for health stability, there is no better way than to take advantage of the summer fruits. Coconut water, mangos, cucumber, watermelon, and berries are some names of fruits to add to your daily diet. Other nutritious like, curd, corn, tomato, and light grain foods don’t make you sick.

Summer Health

‘Should not’ List of Summer

  • • Avoid alcohol and tobacco consumption.
  • • Lessen fast food or outside food or preserved food.
  • • Do not have half-cooked meat.
  • • Be careful during fireworks or avoid rapid fireworks.
  • • Keep pets and children indoors.


With all the challenges, after all, it is the season of hiking and swimming. So, take your safety measures first then enjoy it to the fullest.

Summer Health

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