What Is Health,Wellness and Fitness ?

Do Health, Fitness, and wellness seem synonyms of each other? Well, these are related but each has a different role in the body. Health is your immune system to diseases; Fitness is physical well-being and Wellness refers to the subtle connection of mental health and nutrition with the body. Let’s learn more about the differences and their importance.


What is Health?

Health is a state of the body that is free from disease and physical pain. Though ‘Health’ is used as the overall term to represent all kinds of bodily perspectives, in the field of service, it is the prevention of illness and injury. Since 1948, this term is being valued by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. It is now a word for all to attain the best of care.
There were times when thousands of people died of viral diseases and now is the time when there is prevention and cure of every disease. In the past days’ malaria, pneumonia, polio, smallpox, etc were some lethal illnesses, Global Health Foundation has been able to put a shield on them. However, the covid-19 years broke all screens. The pandemic became a devastating enlightenment to pay attention out of your busy life.
So, Health is an irrefutable concern for human beings.


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What is Fitness?

As the name refers, Fitness is the good shape of the body. It differs from person to person as everyone has a unique body type. If someone is shorter or heavier than you, you can’t call him/her unfit. Because he/she might be fit for his/her body type. Yet, someone may be unfit or lack flexibility. In other words, age, sex, and time all are factors of fitness.
So, how to know if you’re physically fit or not? The answer is your health. We have mentioned, these are co-related.


Your heart rate, flexibility, sleep rate, and hunger are the signs to measure your fitness. And, to maintain these, people prefer various methods. No matter if you’re a Yoga person or a gym person, your preference is right unless you’re doing it wrong. But you should know that every type of exercise has its own value and impact. Strength, balance, endurance, and health are some benefits of fitness exercise.

What is Wellness?

When we talk about social, mental, and emotional health, it basically refers to wellness. After eradicating ill health and maintaining fitness, wellness is the matter that completes the well-being of the human body. Wellness is a holistic concept that is affected by our daily habits. These habits can be a cause of depression, anxiety, emotional unavailability, etc. In our chaotic daily life, we generally ignore the state of our mind. We forget that the mind is the root of our livelihood.
Another element of wellness is nutrition. This explains, why the current generation is a major sufferer of a lack of wellness. Eating nutritious yield us the best nourishment and immunity. So, our daily diet plays a vital role in our wellness.


Basic Explanation

From the above discussion, it is clear that attaining health, fitness, and wellness is important. yet, balancing all three things is the key. It means you can be healthy and fit but not well; fit and well but not healthy; or healthy and well but not fit. So, only taking medicine or workout or meditating alone is not enough. You have to add all these to your timetable to be a vigorous one. You can have a cheat day out of your daily routine life but, cannot compromise for any of these. One has to understand the difference between health, fitness, and wellness as well as acquire accordingly.

Importance of Health, Fitness, and Wellness

All these three terms go alongside. When you are healthy, you’re able to do exercise and take care of your fitness, when you’re fit, you’re naturally sending good hormones to your brain. And, when you’re fit and well, your immunity, strength, and power to face any injury or disease increase. A human cannot survive without these. In one or another way, you’re going to be hurt if you lack any of these.

Healthy Living


Lastly, it is all your responsibility to look after your very own home – ‘Body’. It doesn’t take any money to sleep well, eat healthily, exercise a little, inhale fresh air, and groom. If you’re able to figure out your necessities and work accordingly, you can inspire others. So, the fusion of health, fitness, and wellness is a must.

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